
25 Free Local Business Directories in UAE

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Local Business Directories

Needless to say, the purpose of these 25 free local business directories  is to increase your business branding online in UAE.

Imagine yourself as a business owner who can’t find his business in search results. You feel frustrated, and chances are, you’re losing prospect at the moment. You asked yourself, where did it go wrong? Good thing you found about business directories before it’s late.

In this piece, we included a list of 25 ideal business directories to  save you time, so you can start right away with your business set-up online. These are free and clean from spam links.

Exciting isn’t it? But before you scroll down and start with the list, please remember these guidelines.

  • Be consistent when filling out your business information to avoid confusing your customers.
  • Add more videos and pictures to emphasize the nature of your business.
  • Be active when providing feedback on customer’s review. Show your customers that you are serious, professional, and well oriented in customer’s service.

If you already know these things, go ahead and submit your business information to these local listing directories:

  1.  Google+
  2. localsearch.ae
  3. yello.ae
  4. wydeinfo.com
  5. b2b-uae.ae
  6. dubai.angloinfo.com
  7. uaecontact.com
  8. productsurf.com
  9. abudhabi.yalwa.ae
  10. Uaebusinessdirectory.com
  11. alldubai.ae
  12. araboo.com
  13. abu-dhabi-business.info
  14. reachuae.com
  15. enrollbusiness.com
  16. ae.kompass.com
  17. dcciinfo.com
  18. sohbetna.com
  19. freeuaedirectory.com
  20. connector.ae
  21. Lawyersinuae.com
  22. dubaibizdirectory.com
  23. yellowpages.ae
  24. Indexuae.com
  25. yallamena.com
  26. biznessuae.com

A new directory has made its way to UAE and its called Wenah. It means “where” in Arabic. The website directory link is:


Please take note that this directory is only for Mussafah businesses. The goal of this project to help Abu Dhabi residents to access information about the businesses located in Mussafah area, and as well as guide them to reach the place safely and easily.

If you know other free business listings here in UAE, feel free to share it on the comment section. OR,  you can come back later for more updates.

Good luck and happy listing!